The Duel

You’d be surprised to know that despite the fact that this comic has 100 % gay stuff depicted, a lot of people asked for it. Of course, I’m not judging, and you shouldn’t as well. Oh, and if you want to get that thing, which is made to be funny, you should pledge at least $10 or more on my

The Golds of Altir

Back in 2016, this was the first fantasy comic that came to mind. I even made up a whole religion with pantheon of the gods for it. A map and customs, history and similar.  I didn’t get back to it.

Of course you can get this comic and read it as soon as you pledge at least $10 to my and then send me a DM through patreon system in order to send you back a link with the comic.

The Request – 1

This was based on a funny story , which became an article in a magazine in late 90s. It was about a guy who paid his neighbor to impregnate his wife, because the man considered himself sterile.
The “helper” agreed to do the job but ….anyways. I made a story /partially based on this joke. Sadly I didn’t finish it – a lot of things have happened to me around that time. There’s only 2 issues , still you can see these if you pledge at least $10 on my
